Faking Fun




Oops, sorry for the delay!
I just wanted to give a big thanks to all of you guys going to my website! You guys rock! I hope you will continue to go on my website nd check for new content. So go forth and enjoy everything Faking Fun has to offer! :)
 Yes, I have a YouTube account! I've been waiting to post about it for a while. You can find my channel HERE! I post videos usually every one or two weeks. I hope you like my videos! :)
 I will be updating the feedback as well as the other pages every 2 days. I will be updating the Slide Show and the Survey once a week. Thank you! :)
No, Faking Fun is not an official app. I am trying very hard to make it a free app, though. For now you can click the button on your mobile device next to the website URL while on Faking Fun and click "Add to Home Screen". Hope you enjoy all Faking Fun has to offer! :)




I am very sorry for the frequent delays of posts. I've been very busy with everything that's going on in my life and hope that despite the delays, you will keep checking in daily. Thank you!